Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Is Article Marketing For You?

Article marketing takes time. You have to write the articles. Then find and broadcast your articles to relevant sites!

Is it worth the investment in time, energy and money?

Ask these questions to find out...

My Top 10 Questions to Discovering If Article Marketing Is For You

1. Do you want to grow your business?

Articles will contribute to your bottom line. One of my articles made over $10,000 in a two-month period.

2. Do you want more prospects and leads?

Your prospects are looking online for information that can help them. When you write an information-based article, you will attract prospects who can become customers for life.

3. Are you looking to stand out from your competitors?

When editors print your articles, you are getting their implied endorsement.. Top, targeted, high trafficked websites like don't print just anything. So when they chose your material, you are judged at a higher level.

4. Do you want to build your brand?

Then article marketing is for you.

When you write articles and have them printed on dozens of sites, people will start to recognize your name. The more you do this, the more branding power you get. Eventually, you will be seen as an expert. Don't be surprised to hear prospects call you and say "I see you everywhere!"

5. Do you want maximum online publicity so you get your name out to your targeted audiences?

If you've ever wondered why your competitor's article was printed when you are a bigger expert than she is, the answer is simple. She wrote the article and you did not! So, she's getting in front of your audience, and getting your customers!

6. Do you want to improve your search engine rankings?

Article marketing will help you by offering links from credible sites back to your site. The bigger and better the site, the more clout the link has. And the more high quality links you have, the higher you climb in search engine rankings. So shoot for the moon!

7. Do you want to build your list of newsletter subscribers and blog readers?

Then write articles. People will see how smart you are and will want to read your material on a regular basis. This way, you can promote to them over and over again.

By writing articles and getting them published on sites like Home Business, Marketing Profs and many more, we built our list of loyal subscribers. When we were ready to launch our A to Z Article System at , we were able to sell to our list and score thousands of dollars in eBook sales in just one week!

8. Do you have a white paper or special report that can help you promote your company and sell more services and products?

Then writing articles will help you get the word out. Write an article that highlights two or three top findings from your report. People will click through to your website to learn how they can read the rest of the report. After all, articles are only 750 words long. Your report can be as long and detailed as you want. Your report can also include sales information so readers can take the path to become customers

9. Do you have info products like home study courses, teleseminars or e-books?

You can take the most important points and write an article that promotes your products. That's a great way to get people to visit your site to look for more information and create a relationship with you. Be careful that you do not write a press release and pass it off as an article. Web sites do not print press releases. So don't waste your time.

10. Do you want to differentiate yourself from your competition?

Do your prospects have pre-conceptions that every company in your niche is the same? Do they think if they've seen one product, they've seen them all?
Or, do you constantly have to explain your pricing?

Then write articles that differentiate your company, your products and your services from the competition. For an example, check out my special report: "How to Choose an Article Submission Service" at

Notice in my special report, how every question we tell our prospects to ask is something we include in our article submission service that no one else does. Now, we differentiated ourselves from every other article submission company. Now, you can tell that not all article marketing services are the same.

Now, one final question: Is article marketing perfect for you?

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